Hong Kong

Cisco Innovation Challenge

Global Problem Solver

In order to provide more IoT / IT-related learning resources to students who have signed up for the "Cisco Creative Problem Solving Challenge (CIC)" in Hong Kong, the organizers invite industry experts and speakers to share and discuss the CIC competition. The theme is to help the students prepare for the CIC competition (such as providing insight into Insight, Brainstorming, to stimulate more thinking).

Useful Resources

Industry Information Day

Through the three themes of Cisco Innocation Challenge, relevant industry experts and speakers are invited to discuss and share in depth, so as to provide students from all participating schools (including non-participating students) with more IOT-related learning resources and help participating students. Prepare for CIC competitions (such as providing in-depth insights, brainstorming, and stimulating more thinking).

Cisco Webex Seminar on 16/12/2019 - Review Link (dSYJZbH4)

第一位講者 公司: Spark

稱位: Technology Consultant

姓名: Anthony Chan

講題: IoT technology development in New Zealand

第二位講者 公司:iMusicTech Limited

稱位:CEO & Founder

姓名: 鄒健宏 Kenneth Chau

講題: 香港科技創業的挑戰

Sharing Session Resources

Cisco Webex Seminar on 18/12/2019 - Review Link (2SkUPJ22)

第一位講者 公司:Sensestek Solutions Limited (舜達科技有限公司)


姓名: Kelvin Wong (黃鎮濤)

講題: 衛生間的 IAQ 感應器導入的苦與樂

第二位講者 公司:SCALE InnoTech Limited

稱位:Chief Kowledge Scientist

姓名: Dr Irene Fan 講題: Create a sustainable city and community

Sharing Session Resources

CIC GPS Excellent Project (2017 - 18)

Theme: Smart City

  • Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School

Connect and Recycle: SmartLid Recycle Bin Cover (Video / Concept Notes)

  • Carmen Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School

冷氣機隔塵網塵埃監測器 (Video / Concept Notes)

  • ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School

鐵路人流管理系統 (Video / Concept Notes)

  • Carmel Holy Word Secondary School

智能小巴系統 (Video / Concept Notes)

  • St Paul's Convent School

Health Band (Video / Concept Notes)

  • The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College

生命拯救者 Life Saver (Video / Concept Notes)

Theme: Social Communion

  • Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School

"智"能扶手 (Video / Concept Notes)

Theme: Health and Food Safety

  • HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.1 Secondary School

智能濾水水質監察器 (Video / Concept Notes)

  • Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College

長者智能杯座 (Video / Concept Notes)